As part of ABTC’s commitment to helping certification exam candidates succeed, we proudly offer online self-assessment exams (SAEs) for the CCTC®CCTN®, CPTC®, and CTP®  transplant certification examinations. SAEs are practice exams designed to identify areas of weakness that require further study before taking the transplant certification exam – The SAEs are not intended for use as study guides.

To assure that SAEs provide an accurate assessment, SAEs are developed in accordance with the examination specifications developed for the transplant certification exams.  The cost of the CCTC®, CCTN®, and CPTC® SAE is $75.00 each. A CTP® SAE is $60.00. To purchase an SAE credit card details and email address will be required at the time of purchase. Here's how it works:​

Upon purchasing your SAE online, a link will be provided via email to access the SAE.

Once you click the link and access the SAE, you will have 60 days to complete the SAE.

You may exit and re-enter the SAE as many times as needed within that 60-day timeframe.

Once you click "Finish and Grade" a final score report will be delivered via email, and your access to the SAE will terminate.

The CCTC®, CCTN® and CPTC® SAEs include 50 questions each, which is approximately one-third of the total number of questions on the initial transplant certification examination.  The CTP® SAE includes 30 questions, also approximately one-third of the total number of questions on the initial certification examination... A passing score on the SAE does not guarantee a passing score on the certification examination.

Purchase an ABTC Self-Assessment Exam

Read the ABTC Candidate Handbook​​​​​​

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